Thursday, January 19, 2012

Baby on board

Nope, not ours. Thought we've recently done the 9 months so that wouldnt be so much a scandal as a surprise not to mention, well, never mind. The dude's sister has had a baby and he is home! In all his pink glory! We got him all kinds of pink stuff too, thus throwing in our lot with this little girl.

All he does so far is
- sleep at the wrong time
- wake up at the wrong time
- distribute all fingers he can find all over his face. At ant given point he usually has two in his mouth, one up his nose, one trying to dig out his eye and a couple inside his ears. As if, if he doesnt hold his organs together, they will leave him and run away.

But. I love little kids., always have. (Ask her, i dreamt of their kid being a musical prodigy and singing patriotic songs before i even saw him). Plus, i get to be this little one's maami. When i was a little kid, maami == fun. She taught us games and sometimes even played with us when no one was watching, who gave us birthday gifts, who i was surprisingly comfortable with, given how awkward i was around most others, probably because she lived next door for most of my life. Unfortunately, these folks have a different naming convention and so, though the dude becomes a mama, i become an athai. Not that there is anything wrong with athai, athais are fun too, but i am already athai to 3 kids (all of whom call me by name, but you dont know that, do you) and this is the only kid in the universe who can call me maami. My master plan involves bribing the kid until he calls me just that. Or Vinaya.

I wish he would grow up enough to have a name. Until then he be Babloo* to me. And then grow up enough to smile. And crawl. And walk. And talk. Basically hurry up, become interesting and then stay there!

* If you are the dude or Monu or anyone who studied under Anne Joseph Madam at KVGK, shut up about the history of that name, will you?

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